Mastering the Interview: Our Insights and Approach

by Oct 12, 2024Narrative Crafting

At The Modern Fire, we offer a wealth of insights on mastering media interviews drawn from decades of experience across industries. At the heart of our approach is the recognition that every interview is a high-stakes opportunity to deliver a message, shape a narrative, and connect with an audience.

One of the key principles we teach is the importance of defining the core message. Before any interview, the spokesperson must get clear on the essential points they want to convey. While questions may pull the conversation in many directions, having that “North Star” allows the interviewee to steer back to their central themes. I often tell our clients it’s about “hitting your marks, no matter what.” This message discipline is a hallmark of effective media communicators.

But a message alone is not enough – it must be conveyed in a compelling way. Here, we draw on the emotional storytelling techniques pioneered by Pixar. We encourage clients to think of their interviews not just as factual recitations, but as narratives with setups, conflicts, and resolutions. By structuring responses with vivid anecdotes, relatable examples, and clear stakes, interviewees can make their messages memorable and impactful.

Another crucial skill we emphasize is bridging – the art of respectfully pivoting from the question asked to the message you want to deliver. Through phrases like “that’s an important point, and it relates to…”, speakers can gracefully redirect the conversation. The key, as I stress to our clients, is to first address the thrust of the question, demonstrating you heard and understood it. Only then do you earn the right to bridge to your key point. It’s a dance that requires practice, but allows you to honor the audience’s concerns while still advancing your agenda.

Preparation is perhaps the most underrated interviewing skill, but for us, it’s the foundation of success. We advise a deep “opposition research” approach – anticipating the toughest questions and attacks and preparing concise, confident responses. By war-gaming the interaction in advance, you can minimize surprises and maximize your ability to hit your points. Preparing is not about scripting every word, but internalizing your messages and honing your delivery until it becomes second nature.

But even the best-laid plans can go awry, which is why we also stress adaptability. Curveball questions, unexpected revelations, technical glitches – interviews are inherently unpredictable. The poised spokesperson must cultivate the flexibility to handle whatever arises while still advancing their narrative. It’s a mindset as much as a skill set – staying focused on your objectives while nimble in your tactics.

Crucially, we recognize that every media interaction is a chance not just to deliver a message, but to build a relationship. By approaching interviews with transparency, empathy, and even vulnerability, spokespeople can foster trust and connection with audiences. In a media landscape often characterized by cynicism and hostility, communicating with authenticity and heart can be disarming and deeply effective.

Ultimately, our philosophy reimagines the interview not as an inquisition to be survived, but an invitation to be seized. By crafting clear messages, telling compelling stories, bridging to key points, preparing intensively, staying adaptable, and building authentic connections, spokespeople can turn every media encounter into an opportunity for positive impact. In equipping our clients with these tools and mindsets, we empower them to become not just expert communicators, but true leaders in their fields.
