3 Ways to Build Instant Confidence Before Going on Air

You’re about to go on air. Maybe it’s a live interview, a webinar, or a major presentation. Your stomach tightens, your heart races, and suddenly, all the prep work feels like it wasn’t enough. In those final minutes before the spotlight hits, it’s normal to feel the pressure, but it doesn’t have to derail your performance.

Even the most experienced professionals experience this nervous tension. The difference? They know how to turn that energy into confidence. The good news is, so can you. Here are three proven techniques to help you build instant confidence right before stepping into the spotlight.

1. Power Posing and Body Language
Your body can trick your mind into confidence. How you carry yourself influences how you feel, and changing your posture can change your mindset. This is where power posing comes into play.

By holding strong, expansive postures—like the classic Superman pose—you can actually increase your confidence. Research from Harvard professor Amy Cuddy shows that “power posing” can lower cortisol (the stress hormone) and increase testosterone (the dominance hormone), giving you an edge right before going live.

Try This:
Stand tall with your feet firmly planted, hands on your hips, chest out, chin up. Hold this posture for 2-3 minutes.
Alternatively, stretch your arms wide or reach upwards as if claiming space. The key is to take up as much space as possible.
Pair this pose with a few deep breaths to calm your nerves.

Why It Works:
When you stand in a powerful posture, your brain interprets it as confidence. This simple shift can significantly alter your internal state, making you feel more in control, even when facing something as intimidating as a live interview.

2. Rehearse Your Core Message and Questions Aloud

Confidence comes from clarity, and clarity comes from practice. Right before going on air, take a few minutes to rehearse your key message out loud. This step isn’t about memorizing a script word for word but about solidifying the essential points you want to communicate.

Why It Works:

Speaking your key points aloud helps settle your thoughts. Hearing yourself articulate these ideas gives you assurance that you’re ready, even if you don’t know exactly where the conversation might go. It also reduces anxiety because you’re familiarizing yourself with the act of speaking confidently—before you even step into the interview.

Best Practices:

Identify 2 or 3 main takeaways you want the audience to remember. Rehearse delivering these points confidently and clearly.
Simulate tough or unexpected questions you might be asked. Answer them out loud to get comfortable with thinking on your feet.
Use a mirror or record yourself on your phone. Watching your body language will help you spot areas to improve, whether it’s too much fidgeting or a lack of energy.

Try This:

Write down two questions you’re nervous about facing. Rehearse your answers, focusing on maintaining a calm and steady tone. Practice until you feel like you can answer them in your sleep. The goal is to make sure nothing can throw you off, even if the interview doesn’t go exactly as planned.

3. Visualization and Mental Rehearsal

Visualization is a powerful tool used by athletes, performers, and media professionals alike. By mentally rehearsing a successful interview or presentation, you prime your brain for a positive outcome.

Why It Works:

Visualization helps your brain believe it has already succeeded. When you vividly imagine yourself on air, answering questions with poise and confidence, your brain begins to form neural pathways that align with that success. This makes it easier to replicate the same calm and confident demeanor when the real moment arrives.

Steps to Follow:

Find a Quiet Spot: Take a minute or two before going live to close your eyes and mentally rehearse the interview.
Picture the Scenario: Imagine yourself in the room or studio. See yourself sitting or standing confidently, engaging the interviewer or audience with ease.

Visualize Positive Reactions:

Picture the interviewer nodding in agreement or the audience leaning in, captivated by your words.

Handle Curveballs: Mentally walk through handling a tough or unexpected question. Visualize yourself staying calm, answering thoughtfully, and steering the conversation back to your key message.

Pro Tip:
Pair visualization with deep breathing exercises. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing lowers your heart rate and helps control anxiety. As you visualize your success, inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This combination of mental and physical calm will center you before your media appearance.

Real-World Example:
Olympic athletes have been using visualization techniques for decades. Michael Phelps, for example, would mentally swim his races before ever hitting the pool. He visualized not just his best performance but also handling setbacks, like if his goggles filled with water. The result? When that exact thing happened during an Olympic race, he remained calm and won the gold. You can apply the same principle to your media appearances.

Confidence is something you can build, even minutes before going live. Power posing, rehearsing aloud, and visualization are three quick, effective strategies you can use right before you step into the spotlight. These tools will help you calm your nerves, sharpen your focus, and deliver your message with authority.

Next time you’re getting ready to go on air, try all three techniques. With practice, you’ll not only feel more confident, but you’ll also begin to thrive in every media interaction, setting yourself apart as a powerful, composed speaker.

It’s OK to Be a Beginner: The Power of Embracing Failure in Media Appearances

Stepping into the world of media appearances can feel like diving into the deep end. The cameras, the lights, the live audience—it can all be intimidating. I’ve worked with countless clients who felt nervous and unsure in their first few interviews. I always tell them the same thing: It’s okay to be a beginner. In fact, embracing the inevitable failures that come with those first steps can become your greatest tool for growth. Here’s why.

1. Failure as a Growth Catalyst
When we think of failure, we often view it as something to avoid. It’s natural. No one enjoys making mistakes in front of an audience. But, if you look closer, failure is often the best teacher. Every time you stumble over your words, forget a point, or freeze when a tough question is thrown your way, you’re gathering data. You’re learning what doesn’t work, and in the process, figuring out what does.

Example: Consider an executive who blanked during a live interview. After the fact, they reflected on how to handle the pressure differently and learned to pause, breathe, and ask for clarification when needed. In their next appearance, they were more confident and composed.

Action Step: After each media appearance, take time to review what went well and what didn’t. Focus not on criticizing yourself but on seeing where there’s room to grow.

2. Reframing Mistakes as Part of the Journey
One thing that helped me, and countless clients, is reframing mistakes as part of the journey toward mastery. Every great speaker, from seasoned politicians to media-savvy celebrities, started where you are. They stammered through answers, forgot key talking points, and faced critical feedback.

Metaphor: Think of your media journey like learning to ride a bike. The first few tries may feel wobbly; you might even fall. But eventually, after enough attempts, you find your balance and start riding smoothly. Media appearances work the same way.

Key Lesson: No one expects perfection right away. Audiences and interviewers alike understand that everyone begins somewhere. The more you show up, the better you become.

3. Building Confidence Through Repetition
I’ve often seen the most significant transformations occur when clients push through those initial failures. What starts as fear and uncertainty can evolve into confidence, not because the failures disappear, but because they’re no longer feared. Each appearance builds a new layer of experience, making the next time easier.

Example: A political candidate might fumble through early interviews, but by repeatedly facing media situations, they learn to stay on message, manage their body language, and control their tone.

Tip: The key to building this confidence is repetition. Every media appearance, even if it feels like a disaster, is another step forward. Consistency in practice is what transforms beginners into professionals.

4. Harnessing Failure to Humanize Yourself
One of the most powerful things failure offers is relatability. When you make mistakes, whether it’s tripping over your words or losing track of a point, you reveal your humanity. Audiences don’t expect robots; they want to see a person they can connect with. A well-timed laugh or self-correction can turn an awkward moment into a relatable one.

Real-World Example: Take the case of late-night TV hosts. They often fumble jokes, miss cues, or interact awkwardly with guests. But instead of ignoring the mistake, they lean into it, laugh, and move on. Their willingness to acknowledge their humanity strengthens their bond with the audience.

Mindset Shift: Instead of aiming for a flawless performance, focus on authenticity. Allow your humanity to shine through, mistakes and all. You may find that those little missteps make you more memorable and likable.

5. Learning to Control the Narrative Post-Failure
After a tough media appearance, it’s easy to dwell on the negatives. But here’s a truth I’ve learned: you have the power to control the narrative of your failure. What you do next matters more than the mistake itself. Crafting a positive response, whether it’s a follow-up statement or simply moving on to your next appearance with improved clarity, shifts the focus from what went wrong to how you’ve grown.

Example: Think about how public figures handle missteps. When a CEO or public figure says something off-track in an interview, the real test isn’t the mistake but how they handle it afterward. Some choose to clarify their stance, while others let their future actions redefine the narrative.

Pro Tip: Own your mistakes. A simple acknowledgment and a commitment to improvement can do wonders for your reputation. It shows humility, a trait that audiences respect.

6. Giving Yourself Permission to Fail
One of the most liberating things you can do is give yourself permission to fail. Once you remove the pressure to be perfect, you free yourself to experiment, to push boundaries, and to truly grow. I’ve seen it happen: as soon as someone accepts that failure is a part of the process, their performance improves tenfold.

Practical Exercise: Before your next media appearance, take a moment to remind yourself that it’s okay to mess up. You’re a work in progress, and every stumble is a chance to improve.

Mindset Mantra: Repeat to yourself, “It’s impossible to get better and look good at the same time.” Allow yourself the freedom to be imperfect.

Conclusion: Embracing Failure as a Pathway to Mastery

If there’s one takeaway from this, it’s that failure is not the enemy. It’s your guide. The next time you walk into an interview, remember: you don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to stutter, to lose track, to pause. In those moments of perceived failure, you’re learning the lessons that will eventually lead you to mastery.

So go ahead. Embrace the process. Step into the spotlight knowing that it’s okay to be a beginner.

Mastering Media Communication for Financial Advisors and Bankers: Building Trust and Credibility

In the financial sector, clear and effective communication is vital for building trust, explaining complex financial products, and managing public perceptions. Financial advisors and bankers often engage with the media to discuss market trends, investment strategies, and economic forecasts. Mastering media communication ensures that your messages are conveyed with clarity, confidence, and credibility.

The Importance of Media Communication in Finance:
Financial professionals must navigate a landscape where precision and clarity are paramount. Whether communicating with clients, the media, or stakeholders, the ability to articulate financial concepts effectively can significantly impact your professional success and reputation.

Key Strategies for Financial Professionals:
1. Simplifying Complex Financial Concepts:
Communicate intricate financial information in a clear and understandable manner. Avoid jargon and focus on delivering messages that resonate with both knowledgeable and novice audiences.

2. Building Trust and Credibility:
Establish yourself as a trustworthy and credible financial expert. Consistent, transparent communication helps build long-term client relationships and enhances your professional reputation.

3. Managing Public Perception:
Handle media interactions strategically to maintain a positive public image. Proactive communication about market trends and investment strategies can position you as a thought leader in the financial sector.

4. Crisis Communication:
Develop strategies to manage financial crises or market downturns effectively. Transparent and timely communication can mitigate negative impacts and reassure clients during uncertain times.

Enhancing Confidence in Media Interactions:
Building confidence in media interactions allows financial professionals to present themselves and their expertise effectively. This involves both verbal and non-verbal communication skills, including tone, body language, and eye contact.

Case Study: Effective Media Communication in Finance
Analyze how leading financial advisors and bankers have successfully managed media communications to build trust, attract clients, and navigate market challenges.

Mastering media communication is essential for financial advisors and bankers aiming to build trust, enhance credibility, and effectively manage public perceptions. By simplifying complex concepts, building trust through consistent communication, managing public perception strategically, and preparing for crises, financial professionals can significantly elevate their professional presence and client relationships.

Elevate your media communication skills and enhance your professional presence with expert training from The Modern Fire. Discover how our tailored media communication programs can help you build trust and credibility in the financial sector.

The Hero’s Journey and Our Training Philosophy

At The Modern Fire, we take a unique approach to media training by structuring our programs around the concept of the hero’s journey. This ties into our core philosophy – that every person facing a microphone or camera is embarking on their own heroic quest.

I’ve long been fascinated by Joseph Campbell’s work on the hero’s journey. It’s a narrative template found across cultures and throughout history. In this archetypal story, the hero leaves their ordinary world, faces challenges, receives aid from mentors, undergoes a supreme ordeal, and returns home transformed.

I see media interactions following a similar arc. The “call to adventure” is the opportunity to engage with the media. Crossing the threshold represents entering the high-stakes arena of the interview or press conference. Challenges abound in the form of tough questions and the pressure to perform under scrutiny. My team and I act as mentors, equipping our clients with the skills and wisdom needed to succeed. The “ordeal” is the moment of truth in front of the camera or microphone. The return is when the spokesperson emerges triumphant, delivering their message with skill and finding themselves transformed into a more capable, confident communicator.

By mapping media encounters onto this resonant mythos, we tap into something primal and inspiring. It elevates media training from a rote exercise to an epic tale of challenge and growth. Our clients become the heroes of their own stories, called to rise to the occasion and emerge changed on the other side.

This approach also draws on the insights of Jordan Peterson, another key influence for us. Peterson emphasizes the importance of taking on responsibility and facing fears as the path to a meaningful life. By framing media appearances as a heroic challenge, we encourage participants to embrace the difficulty and reap the rewards of personal transformation.

Of course, we complement this mythic framing with concrete skills and strategies. But by casting media mastery as a hero’s journey, we engage the emotions and imagination as well as the intellect. It becomes not just about getting through an interview unscathed, but about the fundamental human drive to grow through adversity and return with gifts of wisdom.

This is the deeper significance of naming our company “The Modern Fire.” The hearth fire was the center of the ancient home, a place of gathering, storytelling, and transformation. By crafting their own stories and skills, we help our clients become masters of the modern media “fires” so they can enlighten and inspire their audiences.

In a world often jaded about spin and media manipulation, our approach resurrects the noble and heroic dimensions of public communication. Our unique philosophy and methodology kindle the innate human impulse to rise to challenges, learn hard lessons, and share wisdom with the community. In doing so, we not only make our clients better spokespersons, but invite them to become better, braver people.
