Welcome to Modern Fire Consulting

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About Our Firm

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Practice Areas

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Internal Communications Audits

We understand that effective internal communication is the cornerstone of organizational success. Our comprehensive internal communications audits delve deep into existing communication channels, strategies, and structures, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Through meticulous analysis and strategic insights, we guide organizations towards streamlined and impactful communication frameworks that foster engagement, collaboration, and alignment across all levels.


Brainstorming and Ideation

Our in person and virtual brainstorming and ideation sessions are dynamic environments where creativity flourishes and innovative ideas take shape. By fostering a culture of collaboration and open dialogue, we inspire teams to explore new perspectives, challenge assumptions, and unlock fresh solutions to complex communication challenges. Whether it’s developing compelling messaging campaigns or refining internal processes, our brainstorming sessions ignite the spark of creativity that drives tangible results.

Media Maping

We excel in providing organizations with a comprehensive understanding of the ever-evolving media landscape. In today’s digital age, navigating the vast array of communication channels can be daunting. Our expertise lies in analyzing media trends, identifying key influencers, and mapping out effective communication strategies tailored to each organization’s unique needs. By staying ahead of emerging trends and technologies, we empower our clients to adapt and thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

Media Maping

We excel in providing organizations with a comprehensive understanding of the ever-evolving media landscape. In today’s digital age, navigating the vast array of communication channels can be daunting. Our expertise lies in analyzing media trends, identifying key influencers, and mapping out effective communication strategies tailored to each organization’s unique needs. By staying ahead of emerging trends and technologies, we empower our clients to adapt and thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

Why Hire Us ?

We understand the importance of streamlined internal communications. Our Internal Communications Audits offer a comprehensive assessment of your current communication strategies and provide actionable insights to enhance collaboration and efficiency across your entire organization.


With years of experience working with municipalities and businesses of all sizes, we have the expertise to identify communication gaps and recommend tailored solutions.

Customized Approach

We understand that every organization is unique. That’s why we take a customized approach to each audit, ensuring that our recommendations align with your specific goals and challenges.

Holistic Evaluation

Our audits go beyond surface-level assessments. We delve deep into your internal communication processes, systems, and culture to uncover areas for improvement.

Actionable Insights

Our reports provide clear, actionable insights that you can implement immediately to enhance communication efficiency and effectiveness.

Clients Feedback

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“Legal was highly recommended to me by another well respected criminal defense attorney. I was so fortunate to have them sesent me! They are perfect.”

– Steve Martin

“Legal was highly recommended to me by another well respected criminal defense attorney. I was so fortunate to have them sesent me! They are perfect.”

– Maya Jonson

“Legal was highly recommended to me by another well respected criminal defense attorney. I was so fortunate to have them sesent me! They are perfect.”

– Mark Smith

Free Consultation

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